Kassamba: Tech Diving

General Info :
  • Dive Data & Advisory:

  • Min. Certification: Extended  Range
  • Mix: Trimix advised
  • Type: Wreck & Anchor Diving
  • Difficulty ratting (1-5): 4/5
  • Depth:-40 to -75 msw *
  • Possible Hazards:
  1. Ghost nets,
  2.  lost fishing gear,
  3.  including cables and strong fishing
            trawler nets populate around it and inside it.
The Shipwreck:

Type of Vessel:
Merchant Ship Cargo Freighter
                                        (138m in length)
Type of Cargo Declared: wine & cloth
Date of the Incident: 1985, 26th of March
Crew: 31 men, all rescued.
Distance: 11 nautical miles

Note: TDI standards state a max depth of -55msw for
Extended Range Divers. see more details here


Also on this page, you can access historical data of this large
 freighter plus  photos and videos of past Expeditions.

From surface to underwater images, you can have a
 good preview of how it is.

Armando Ribeiro, as well as José Marques
 ( CCR Expedition Team) have shared also their work
 from previous dives.

Note :
on your right you can see the amount of ghost nets that
prevail in the wreck.


J. Marques (AMP) , preparing it´s camera:
check the video on the bottom of the page. 


Video on your left: InSilence Expedition Team
video recording when they left a plate with their
names on the Wreck.
Acknowledgements to Armando
Ribeiro for sharing his work.

Historical Facts:

This huge freighter was steaming towards home, "Namibe", Angola. At about 4.5 nautical miles from it´s last port (Leixões (Porto, Portugal) it suffered a rupture of one of its ballast tanks forcing the ship to lean 25º Portside; in a chain reation, containers started to slide over and off the cargo ship. As a result of a pierced hull, the vessel had its fate set.

Several rescue crews were sent either from Leixões and Vila do Conde; this operation involved 2 towboats, a rescue vessel, fishing vessel as backup as well as Navy frigate.

Altered Sea conditions unabled rescuers from doing more than rescuing it´s crew of 31 men and a dog;

to  avoid an ecological disaster it was towed into deep waters with the support of the Portuguese Navy having been left to sink at 12 miles offshore.

Only 1 crew member was in need of hospital care while most of the others were in shock but clear from physical danger.

It now rests leaning portside, heading northwest. Type of substrate: sand.

Source of Info: J. Marques, AMP.
(the Diver who has done the big "K" way past 30 times, with EAN 21: J. Bennett´s School)


This is a set of images, from Surface work to deco stops,

when i still had my Sea&Sea Camera.

(Backup Diver stop at -40 msw)

Remixed with the Underwater footage from J. Marques
- OPorto Diving Academy-.(AMP)

Hint: check out the digits dropping on his computer

The next videos are a Remix of both mine and JM recordings from dives on this location, as well as another visited wreck to be described later on.
J. Marques original  videos are  available on his youtube channel, among others of interest.